Development of the photovoltaic installation for the Foundation “Wspólnota Burego Misia” – finished

Completed the development of the photovoltaic installation for the Foundation “Wspólnota Burego Misia” on ul. Wętfie 1 in Nowy Klincz.

The first stage of the investment concerned the installation of solar panels on the roof of the farm building. The total installed power was over 26 kWp (Fig.1).

Fig.1 First stage of investment

Development concerned installation another solar panels with total power equal to 22 kWp. In this case, was used free-standing construction, produced by CORAB, what allow mount micro-generating installation on the ground (Fig.2).

Fig.2 Second stage of investment

On free-standing construction was mounted 80 photovoltaics modules, angled 25 degrees, and positioned towards south, which is the most effective.


Both installations are 175 photovoltaics modulees each with a capacity 275Wp with a total power output of 48,125kWp. Produced energy will be used for own consumption, rest of it, will be transfered to local distributor of energy.