Thermomodernization of buildings in the Wielkopolska-Mazowiecka Province in Gdynia and Jastrzębia Góra

Throughout the current year 2020, the 2SUN company was involved in the “Thermomodernization of buildings in the Wielkopolska-Mazowieckia Province in Gdynia and Jastrzębia Góra” – a project co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Thermomodernization covered 2 facilities of the Wielkopolska-Mazowieckia Province:

Photo.1. The building of the College of Jesuits in Gdynia before thermomodernization

Photo.2. Building of the Religious House in Jastrzębia Góra before thermomodernization

In these facilities, the building was thermomodernised and the installation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) was installed.


Thermomodernization of buildings included insulation of walls (8 210 m2), ceilings (774 m2) and flat roofs (2 047 m2). Building partitions were supplemented with another, thicker and better-quality layer of insulation material, such as reinforced polystyrene, and on the roofs – polystyrene and roofing felt. In these facilities, it was necessary to partially replace the windows (200 units) and doors (13 units) so that a significant amount of heat would not escape through the leaky, poor in terms of thermal parameters window and door joinery.

Photo.3. Gdynia – College facade before thermomodernization

Photo.4. Gdynia – College facade after thermomodernization

Photo.5. Jastrzębia Góra – Religious House before thermomodernization

Photo.6. Jastrzębia Góra – Religious House after thermomodernization


Photo.7.  The College of Jesuits in Gdynia before thermo-modernization

Photo.8.  The College of Jesuits in Gdynia after thermo-modernization


Modernization of the Jesuit College in Gdynia – installations of renewable energy sources:

  1. Construction of a cascade of heat pumps – Renevable Energy Sources (RES) installation: ground heat pumps with a capacity of 222 kW and an air heat pump with a capacity of 126,7 kW,
  2. Construction of a ground source for a ground heat pump in the form of 45 vertical probes with a total length of 4500 m,
  3. Installation of a cascade of Viessmann gas condensing boilers 4 x 100 kW,
  4. Implementation of an energy management system,
  5. Replacement of the lighting installation – 1350 pieces of old lighting fittings with new energy-saving LED fittings,
  6. Installation of two photovoltaic installations for the production of electricity from RES with a total power of 97 920 kWp (306 panels with a capacity of 320 Wp each)

Photo.9. Drilling boreholes for the heat pump at the College of Jesuits in Gdynia

Photo.10. Collective well of the lower source of the heat pump at the College of Jesuits in Gdynia

Photo.11. Photovoltaic panels placed on the roof of the building of the College of Jesuits in Gdynia

Modernization of the Religious House in Jastrzębia Góra – installations of renewable energy sources:

  1. Construction of a cascade of heat pumps – RES installation: 2 air heat pumps with a capacity of 109,7 kW each,
  2. Installation of a cascade of Viessmann 4 x 60 kW gas condensing boilers,
  3. Implementation of an energy management system.

Photo.12. Installation of a cascade of Viessmann air heat pumps as renewable energy sources – heat sources for the Religious House in Jastrzębia Góra